Differences with Metal Levels

Written by Access Health CT | Published July 27th, 2024 | Updated July 27th, 2024

There are different plan options available at the Bronze, Silver, and Gold levels. Each metal level offers a different degree of coverage, so you should look for the plan that best fits your medical needs as well as your budget. Some types of plans may restrict your provider choices or encourage you to get care from your plan's network of providers, while others pay a larger share for services outside of the provider network. It's important that you understand the differences between these metal levels, and that you should look beyond just the monthly premium payment when comparing plans. Pay attention to your yearly deductible, copayments, or coinsurance costs, and review the plan's network of providers. Plans with the lowest monthly payments (premiums) are not always the cheapest option for you and your family. 

For more information on types of plans, differences between plans and how to sort your options, click here or continue reading. 

For information on Catastrophic Plans, click here.

To shop and compare plans now, go to AccessHealthCT.com and click "Compare Plans"

  •  Gold Plans:Offer greater coverage but may come with a higher monthly price tag. Many gold plans have low deductibles and often, low out-of-pocket costs when you receive care.
    • Is this plan for you? They may be a good option for people who use services more frequently or who want the assurance that if they need care that, they will lower out-of-pocket costs.

  • Silver Plans:Tend to have moderate monthly payments (premiums). A number of services with a copay or coinsurance right away when you use your Silver plan. Silver plans also have separate, much smaller deductibles for prescription drugs which can provide you with greater access to these benefits. 
    • Is this plan for you? They may be a good option for people who may use services from time to time or for people who qualify for Cost-Sharing Reductions (CSRs).
    • Pay close attention to this: Cost-Sharing Reductions (CSRs) lower the amount ($) you pay out-of-pocket for deductibles, coinsurance, and copayments when you get medical services. If you qualify for CSR's, you must enroll in a Silver level plan to get these lower costs. 

  • Bronze Plans: May have lower monthly premiums, but may require you to meet high deductibles before the plan will start paying for the services you receive. This means Bronze plans may be cheaper to have, but more expensive to use.
    • Is this plan for you? They may be a good option for people who do not think they will need to use their coverage but want protection against the high costs of serious health events or issues or for those who qualify to use pre-tax dollars to pay for healthcare costs through a Health Savings Account (HSA).

Are There Other Coverage Options? Yes!

  • Health Coverage for individuals and families:

Access Health CT partners with the Department of Social Services to offer enrollment in HUSKY Health programs- consisting of Medicaid, known as HUSKY A & D, and the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP), known as HUSKY B. These programs are available at NO cost or LOW cost. More information here

  • Standalone Dental Plans: 

All health insurance plans offered through Access Health CT include pediatric dental coverage as an Essential Health Benefit. In Connecticut, pediatric dental coverage is available for anyone under 26 years old. So, stand-alone dental plans can be an option for people who are over 26 years old and need dental coverage or for children not enrolled in health insurance plans through Access Health CT. Learn About Dental Plans

  • Small Business Coverage:

 We understand how important it is for you and other small business owners to offer your employees quality healthcare coverage. Access Health CT are available to small businesses that have 50 or fewer full-time equivalent employees, with flexible options that make quality healthcare coverage possible- and we offer expert advice and support. Learn more or get a free quote here.